Leaf Disposal

Click Here for 2023 Fall Leaf Pickup Schedule

Leaves are a mandated recyclable item by the State of Connecticut and must be composted. They may be composted by residents in their backyard or through the Town’s efforts during its fall leaf collection. If the Town collects leaves then the leaves must be placed in “brown” paper biodegradable leaf bags or raked loosely to the curb. Leaves should never be placed in the street for safety reasons. Look for further details on the Town’s leaf removal program in the early fall. (NOTE: The Town does not collect leaves at any other time during the year.)

However, residents may bring leaves (year round) to the Town’s Recycling Center on Elm Street.

Leaf Recycling Center Guidelines:

  • Leaves (only) or leaves mixed with grass clippings must be brought to the Recycling Center in bulk or in biodegradable brown bags.
  • Leaves in plastic bags must be emptied from the bags into the disposal area.
  • Leaves mixed with grass, twigs, branches and plant debris will not be accepted. This yard waste must be taken to the Transfer Station on Universal Drive.